


〒413-8550 静岡県熱海市中央町1-1


Starting with Whatever We Can

Atami Association for International Interchange

History and Objective

The Atami association for International interchange, AI, was founded in
1991 amid growing demand to enhance awareness to the world among local
citizens as well as promote international activities lead by the private
sector.  It aims at contributing to the world peace and prosperity, by nurturing
international perspective and awareness among citizens and by promoting
mutual understanding and friendly exchanges with people in many different

The AI took its root in 1976, when its predecessor, the “Atami Association
for International Sister City Agreement” was formed to promote exchange
activities with the Atami’s sister cities of San Remo (Italy) and Cascais

 Activities –-Living in the Global Community—

International Aid and Assistance

It is a great joy for the AI members to collect and send goods to those
who need them in developing countries.  The association has donated music instruments to Peruvian schools, eyeglasses
to Sri Lanka and blankets to African refugees.  We have been raising fund in support of an NPO, Japan team of young Human
Power (JHP).  In 2011, we donated a school building in Mebon village in Preyven, Cambodia.

Helping Neighbors who Come from Foreign Countries

It is our desire to help Atami’s residents to live happily in the community
from foreign countries.  We offer them opportunities to learn Japanese, prepare for earthquakes
and other disasters and meet people at various events.

Exchange with International Twin Cities

Atami has international sister city and friend city agreements with San
Remo (Italy; since 1976), Cascais (Portugal; since 1990) and Zhuhai (China;
since 2004).  The association is spirited in advancing face-to-face exchange with people
in these cities.

Learning Different Cultures

We offer courses to learn different cultures and languages to help people
in Atami nurture understanding of the world and hospitality.  There are English, Chinese and Korean classes and Japanese lessons for
people from foreign countries.

Membership Information

Anybody interested in international exchange is welcome and qualified to
join the AI.  Members receive regular or occasional newsletters and other messages from
the AI office.   A special discount rate for the AI activities is offered to the members.

 Annual membership fees (effective April-March)

Individual members:           3,000 yen
Group members:         6,000 yen
Corporate members:      10,000 yen


The Association consists of individual, group and corporate members.  Our chair person is Toshiro Takeuchi, and there are 23 members in the executive
board.  If you are interested in organizing various events, please join project
staff members (particularly active volunteers) who gather each month to
discuss our activities.

Atami association for International interchange

1-1  Chuo-cho, Atami, Shizuoka  413-8550
Phone: 0557-86-6233                 
Fax:       0557-86-6606
e-mail:   kokusaiatami-ai.jp (Please replace with @.)

Annual Schedule (2013-2014)


April Chinese Course (-Sep)  
Korean Course (-Sep)
2 English Courses (-Sep)
May Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting
Japan Blankets for Africa Campaign
 August Youth Exchange Program in Atami
Get-to-Know the World” Lecture Series #1
 September AI Tsushin (communication paper)
“Get-to-Know the World” Lecture Series #2
 October Korean Course (-Mar)
Chinese Course (-Mar)
2 English Courses (-Mar)
 November Flea Market at Nagahama to Raise Funds for Children in Cambodia
Plant Atami Sakura Trees in Minamisanriku, Miyagi
AI Calendar
 December  International Party
 January  “Get-to-Know the World” Lecture Series #3
 February  AI Tsushin (communication paper)
 March Disaster Drill for Foreign Residents
Get-to-Know the World” Lesson for Kids